Monday, October 16, 2023

BioGeometry studies

I vaguely mentioned and introduced BioGeometry to you in my last post, and would now like to share some interesting and compelling experiments. 

biosignatures pendant, tiffany dawn smith, biogeometry
My BioSignatures Pendant

Electro-smog: The Miracle of Hemberg

A pilot research project under the patronage of the Swiss Mediation Authority for Mobile Communication and Environment (MAMCE) in collaboration with leading government telecom provider Swisscom, implemented BioGeometry energy-quality balancing to remedy ailments of electro-sensitivity in the rural town of Hemberg. BioGeometry was successful in eliminating the ailments of electro-sensitivity, among a number of other health conditions that it remedied, as well as positively impacting the overall ecology of the area. Media coverage, supported by official releases by the MAMCE and an independent study of the project, dubbed the results "The Miracle of Hemberg." In a Swiss television interview with the Mayor and residents of Hemberg almost two years later (Sept. 2005), the sustained energy-quality balancing effect of BioGeometry was confirmed. 

--> watch a short video about the project here

biogeometry, hemberg, studies, tiffany dawn smith

Electro-smog: The Miracle of Hirschberg

Following the success of the first Swiss BioGeometry project in Hemberg, Dr. Karim was commissioned by the local government of the Swiss town of Hirschberg to implement a similar BioGeometry solution there. The project was documented by Swiss TV Channel 1, and the documentary aired on prime-time TV in Switzerland showing the overwhelming positive impact of BioGeometry energy-quality balancing on the health of residents and livestock in the area, which are an important economic factor to this rural town. 

Quality of Water

Dr. Masuro Emoto's pioneering research with water crystal photography captivated audiences all over the world when he published his findings in the international best seller "The Message From Water." His work gave the world a glimpse of the influence that the quality of energy and the environment has on water by photographing ice water crystals under different energy conditions. Water impregnated with good energy quality formed beautiful, well-balanced hexagonal water crystals, while water impregnated with bad energy quality produced badly formed and unbalanced crystals. Dr. Emoto's technology transforms energy quality into form and Dr. Karim's BioGeometry uses forms to balance energy-quality, and this led to a scientific synergy with amazing results. BioGeometry energy-quality balancing yielded beautiful perfectly structured and balanced water crystals. 70% of our world and our bodies are composed of water, and the energy-quality of that water is a mirror of the quality of our lives.

Animal Farming & Agriculture

BioGeometry increases growth & quality of poultry:

A research study carried out by Dr. A Hussein of Suez Canal University and the Ministry of Agriculture implemented BioGeometry energy-balancing solutions in chemical free poultry breeding. The published results showed that BioGeometry was effective in significantly increasing the growth and quality of the chicken as well as lowering the mortality rate. 

Apple orchards:

A three-year research project at the University of Wageningen, Holland by Professor Peter Mols on the use of BioGeometry in organic apple agriculture, concluded that BioGeometry was effective in eliminating certain parasites and significantly increasing agricultural yield.

Freshwater crops in salt:

A two-month experiment by the late Eng. Adel Ammar to test the possibility of using BioGeometry to allow freshwater plants (sweet potato) to grow in saltwater from the Red Sea showed astonishing results. The control potatoes that were given saltwater shriveled by the end of the day, while the BioGeometry treated salt water potatoes budded normally and stayed fresh longer than the sweet potatoes given fresh water.

biogeometry sweet potato, tiffany dawn smith, biogeometry studies, bg3

Study shows: BioGeometry reduces harm from mobile phone radiation as shown by reduced thermal effect

Mobile phone networks operate at frequencies that are located in the region of the electromagnetic spectrum in both microwave radiation and radio frequency radiation levels. Exposure to such radiation through mobile phone usage has a harmful effect due to the absorption of electromagnetic energy by the skin and other living tissues, causing a small temperature rise in those areas.

biogeometry studies, cell phone radiation, tiffany dawn smith

Stress reduction in automobile environment:

There are increased environmental stress factors within a car, especially with regards to electromagnetic stress from the extensive electrical system inside the metal body of the car. Double blind experimentation showed that BioGeometry successfully reduced driver's psychological stress markers as seen using biofeedback measurements. This study was featured in TedxCairo Talks. 

Analysis of results: Brainwaves: Increase of Delta indicating relaxation and decrease in alpha/Beta indicating less excitation (decrease in eye movement and breathing frequency with increased oxygen saturation indicates less stress)

Energy-Quality Balancing of Airplane Environments:

BioGeometry energy-quality balancing solutions have been implemented on a number of private aircrafts to harmonize the increased level of environmental stress associated with flight. Environmental stressors include electromagnetic fields, cosmic radiation, chemicals, and psychological stress. Biofeedback measurements were conducted on the crew using the BioPulsar-Reflexograph biomedical measurement device, which is certified as a medical diagnostic device in Europe. The balance of electrical organ function inside the BioGeometry energy-balanced aircraft significantly surpassed those taken outside the aircraft under normal ground conditions.

BioGeometry Interior Architecture & ADHD:

"A Design Approach Using BioGeometry in Interior Architectural Spaces with References to Heal Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder," by Dina Ra'afat Abdul Rahman Howeid, a PhD thesis completed at the Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering shows a vast improvement in ADHD criteria tested, including: child focus & attention, communication, dynamic behavior, behavior, teamwork, independence, hyperness, social stages, and academic skills.

National Virus C Project Success:

Dr. Taha Khalifa, the Dean of the Pharmacology Department at Al-Azhar University, Egypt, publicly announced that the preliminary phase of the comparative National Virus C Project showed that BioGeometry energy-balancing obtained the best results among all other pharmaceutical and alternative remedies. BioGeometry achieved a 90% result in normalizing liver enzymes, compared to the other remedies, which only achieved results in the 20-30% range. In the case of medical drugs, some achieved around 50% but they could only be used for half the cases in the group who did not show low blood platelet counts.


If this research interested you, here's a good introductory video to learn more:

Friday, October 6, 2023

Ambergold transformations

"You ask of my companions. 
Hills, sir, and the sundown..."
- Emily Dickinson, in a letter to Mr. Higginson

It is the first of October and my world is an Ivan Shishkin painting and a Luke Gibson song, who I listened to yesterday while driving through these highlands, with their ambergold light and crisp changed air.

tiffany dawn smith, okanogan highlands, monastic past life, personal blog

tiffany dawn smith, okanogan highlands, monastic past life, personal blog

tiffany dawn smith, okanogan highlands, monastic past life, personal blog

tiffany dawn smith, okanogan highlands, monastic past life, personal blog

tiffany dawn smith, okanogan highlands, monastic past life, personal blog

tiffany dawn smith, okanogan highlands, monastic past life, personal blog

tiffany dawn smith, okanogan highlands, monastic past life, personal blog

tiffany dawn smith, okanogan highlands, monastic past life, personal blog

Autumn is the season most reflective of my inner world. And it seems to me the most Celtic-feeling season of the year, most reflective of an old world quality, most liminal. 

Winter is lovely too--in places where the snow is plentiful--but winter can feel skeletal. In Fall there is still meat on the bone, but more matured than summer, and much more inward than summer- the chatty extrovert.

Still being in the summer of my life, maybe that is why I rarely feel at home or situated in it; since Fall is the season that resonates so deeply, I suppose I have much to look forward to for that season of life yet to come. 

tiffany dawn smith, okanogan highlands, monastic past life, personal blog

tiffany dawn smith, okanogan highlands, monastic past life, personal blog

tiffany dawn smith, okanogan highlands, monastic past life, personal blog

tiffany dawn smith, okanogan highlands, monastic past life, personal blog

Earlier in the summer, I was in Spokane for the day poking around a great little antique shop I had found. Back in the corner was a treasure trove of old photos and magazines. I spent at least an hour sitting cross-legged in the back corner perusing all of these old photos and assembling a big stack to take home with me. The images were mostly anonymous and usually timeless, except for the random note some of them would have scribbled on the back (e.g. "Bert's first deer, Oct 1932" or "Deception Pass, 1935"). I'm not sure why this sort of thing feels so fascinating to me, but it does! So, with the inspiration of the magazine clippings (most from the old "American West" magazines) and the photos, I've been piecing together little... collages, I guess you would call them. I'm not sure. But here are the ones I made this morning:

collage artist, tiffany dawn smith

collage artist, tiffany dawn smith

collage artist, tiffany dawn smith

And here is another one in the works, though I haven't glued the photos in place yet and I plan to add some stitching later on...

collage art, old photo art, tiffany dawn smith

collage art, old photo art, tiffany dawn smith

collage art, old photo art, tiffany dawn smith

When it comes to art and the handmade, I've also been spending time each day slowly building a scarf. It's an intricate pattern which is challenging my knitting skills in new ways. Certainly no beginners scarf, it is the Windy Scarf by Martin Storey, and I plan to gift it as a Christmas present (if I can complete it correctly and in time!).

windy scarf martin storey, knitting, unique scarf pattern, tiffany dawn smith

And of course I always have a strange embroidery piece going. I started embroidering many years ago and my embroideries tend to involve esoteric symbolism which seem to grow more peculiar the deeper I go. This time, it is Rebis- the Great Work, the ultimate balance, the realized Self though still contained and corporeal, the male-female, the solar and lunar, these principles and more, in an inner balance and order. Certainly inspired by my reading of Eros and the Mysteries of Love earlier this year, and still a work in progress.

esoteric embroidery art, embroidery artist, tiffany dawn smith, hermetic art, rebis

I am a seeker, if nothing else. Devoted to my spiritual quest. I love to take experiential approaches to wisdom which I think is a superior form of knowing, but I also wholeheartedly enjoy the intellectual seeking as well, though I'm aware it isn't an end in itself. Sometimes the intellectual seeking will open doors in my mind, through which I can then walk my feeling body. I especially love when I learn things intellectually that resonate strongly with my intuition, which happened multiple times this summer whilst reading "The Mystery of the Grail" and finally coming to understand this grail cycle, particularly the non-physical nature of it. But recently I have been getting all sorts of rapturous delights learning about this new topic I came across during one of my rabbit hole jaunts. It is called BioGeometry and it is a lovely marriage of two of my passions in this life: esoteric wisdom and health.

Upon first glance, to the untrained mind, BioGeometry might seem like a pseduoscience or airy-fairy woo-woo, but this is far from true. BioGeometry is qualitative physics, and it occupies a pristine frontier for understanding health, and reality, in the modern age. 

If you are interested, I'll explain it in this nutshell: BioGeometry is the science of space energy balancing, with it we can learn how to take disruptive energies--rather than trying to block or avoid them--and transform them (in this way, I suppose it's very tantric in nature). Because we are enveloped in a sea of invisible disruptive energies called electro-magnetic frequencies, which wreak havoc on our health from every angle, you can maybe begin to see how powerful the implications are both on a personal and very large scale, yes?

Here are some resources for anyone who would like to run down this rabbit hole with me:


It is already that time of the year again. Soon, we make the eastward migration to spend time with family for a few months. I am always pulled in two directions with this, but there's no use going into all that. It is what it is, and it is a good idea for me in this life to accept what is as much as possible, while quietly working behind the scenes to make adjustments and optimizations. But something tells me this will be the last time I leave my home in the winter, certainly for so long.

tiffany dawn smith

tiffany dawn smith

tiffany dawn smith

I wish anyone reading this a lovely autumn.
Blessings to you all.