Friday, December 17, 2021

Quit social media?

 I am feeling that old familiar pull to leave social media again, well, specifically Instagram and Facebook. The only hesitation for me is that I do come across a lot of inspiring and informative content on both platforms. But overall, it's a concern over what these types of social media do to the physical and metaphysical aspects of the brain/heart/mind. It has perplexed me to see various people who don't "post" often on social media still logging on constantly, just to look around I suppose. So I don't believe that how much we post has any correlation to how much of our time and attention these social media platforms can command. Couldn't that time be better used elsewhere, even if only in the realm of thought?

While I appreciate the convenience of having so many friends and family members in one place, especially since I live so far away from everyone, there is a large part of me that doesn't like the accessibility we so readily attach to ourselves these days through various technology. I'm also interested in checking in with myself about the kind of content I share. Is it to charm? To inform? For identity? 

This blog is my favorite place because I can be more fully myself- sharing interests and thoughts, and I suppose I could share more of the inspiring or beautiful aspects of daily life, as well.

Something to chew on a bit more.