Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday, August 27, 2021

Having recently gotten back into Dick Proenneke, I've decided to give daily journaling a go for a few weeks and see if it's something I'd like to make a habit of.

I didn't get the best night of sleep last night, so it's a bit of a puffy-eyed glasses-wearing day, but I'm shaking it off hour by hour. Spoke with a gentleman this morning, in regard to becoming a volunteer EMT in the county here, and it was surprisingly refreshing when he said, "While I myself am pro-vaccine, I'm also pro-choice, so I don't need to know if you are or aren't [vaccinated]." It feels like such simple reason has largely left the stage on a societal level, so I appreciated his stance. 

This goes well along with a wonderful conversation I had with one of the local Deputy Sheriffs at the gym last week- not only was he into bizarre esoteric topics like myself, but he was very firm in his position about the nonsensical nature of all that is going on in the world at large right now. It made me feel better somehow just knowing that someone like him is in a position of law and order here in our small little mountain town. 

I'm heating a pot of water on the stove now, preparing to go for a hike with my husband when he gets in from work. We'll be going to an emerald green lake with a trail around it and a little cave right off the trail that we've been curious about. Hoping for the audacity to go up to the mouth of it to inspect the tracks leading inside and figure out who is calling that place home. 

A scene from yesterday's drive to the bank, which always turns into an adventure when you have to cover such distance just to get to the bank: