Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sundown in the Okanogan Highlands


A yellow-headed blackbird

Eastern red-winged blackbird

Deer on the hillside

I could watch the interplay of sun and cloud dancing across the Okanogan Highlands for hours.

A yellow-headed blackbird sounding his distinct song.

A yellow-headed blackbird at Molson Lake.

Pflug Mansion - John Pflug had a dream of building a lovely German style home for his growing family. He began building in the summer of 1908. Money was scarce for all early homesteaders, so he hired no help and did all the work himself. He hauled all the materials from a sawmill about ten miles away with only a team and wagon. He never finished his dream house, but the family lived for several years in a part of the house that was finished. The house has been vacant since 1921.

An old homesteader's cabin from long ago.

A serene road through the Okanogan Highlands.

Another old homestead, from a whole 'nother time, still standing.

Friday, May 21, 2021

These three

These three should we mind ourselves closely over if we wish to draw closer to God: 

  1. attachment
  2. fear
  3. anger.

I guess it all boils down to attachment, really. At the foundation, it is attachment that provokes fear and anger. 

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4, verse 10: Being freed from attachment, fear, and anger, becoming fully absorbed in Me, and taking refuge in Me, many persons in the past became purified by knowledge of Me, and thus they attained My divine love.